Eric Miller's Family Tree

John Bounds Sr.

Person Chart


Partner Date of Birth Children
Ann Hiam John Bounds Jr.

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth abt 1614
Emigration 1634 London, England Probably left London aboard the good ship HOPEWELL bound for the Barbadoes in 1634 at age 20


Fact Description
National or Tribal Origin English


The first documented Bounds in America was Marjory's great grandfather, John Bounds (who probably left London aboard the good ship HOPEWELL bound for the Barbadoes in 1634 a age 20) who with his wife Mary Hiam left Virginia for Maryland c1672. John & Mary were members of the Church of England and indeed he was a vestryman and was one of those selected to lay out the boundaries of the Stepney Parish (from whose records much of this information is extracted)